How to hatch your brine shrimp?


You can either buy a brine shrimp incubator or make your own. Remember to keep the dry eggs in a freezer and the bottle sealed.


  1. Use dechlorinated water or bottled mineral water to fill your incubator to 90 percent.
  2. Add 10 grams coarse aquarium salt per 300ml water. Do not use iodated table salt.
  3. Attach air pump with a consistent bubble flow.
  4. Add approximately 3 grams brine shrimp eggs. Ideal temperature 28 to 30c.
  5. Add a light pointing toward the bottom of the incubator as this will attract the baby brine shrimp making it easy for collection when hatched.
  6. Brine shrimp will hatch between 18 to 36 hours depending on temperature.
  7. Turn off air pump, the live brine shrimp will be attracted to the light at the bottom of the incubator. The egg shells will remain on the surface.
  8. Empty live brine shrimp into aquarium up to the point of the empty shells which can be discarded.

Have any questions or ideas?

Owner: Professor Andreas Lemmerer, PhD (Wits, Chemistry)